Vitamins, Minerals & Hormones. The What, When and Why of perfect health.

Vitamins, Minerals & Hormones is written and compiled by Sir S.F.P.Koopmans, MMS.

Advisory Board

This web page ( and this website in general ) is intended as a reference only, not as a medical manual. Keep in mind that nutritional needs vary from person to person, depending on age, sex, health status and diet.

The information provided here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intende as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor or practitioner. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent help.

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  • Vision
  • Mission
  • General Advice: quotes and tid bits
  • List of Vitamins, Minerals, Hormones and other supplements
  • List of RDA’s ( Recommended Dietary Allowances )
  • Suggested intake ( of % of Daily Value )
  • Diets & Fasting
    • Fasting
    • Candida
    • Yin & Yang
    • Ayurveda ~ the science of life.
    • Standard Macrobiotic Diet
  • Suggested Companies / Organizations
  • Suggested Recources / Reading
  • Suggested Internet Recources / Reading
  • Glossary


Life needs to be in total mental, emotional, spiritual and physical balance in order to achieve perfect health. This balance is different for every person and varies as often as the weather. Nutrition, although very complex and quite confusing at times, is the easiest one to balance. Unfortunately many people ignore balance and do not listen to their “inner voice” or “real feeling”, as this is what will ultimately bring you perfect overall balance.


In order to enable people to get accustomed to listenening to their true self, we found that it works alot more trusting and easier if there is a guideline with a general layout of what to take when and how. We offer such a guideline; aimed to achieve understanding about balancing ones own health and wealth. 

You can add life to your years instead of just years to your life.

George Vaillant

General Advice: quotes and tid bits

I undertake to observe the rule: to abstain from taking life; to abstain from taking what is not given; to abstain from sensuous misconduct; to abstain from false speech; to abstain from intoxicants as tending to cloud the mind.

The Five Precepts


  • sometimes; go without it: see fasting
  • assure a variety of different colors and textures during a main meal.
  • if you cook food at all, (***)
  • DO NOT use a microwave, as it kills all the natural energy and alters the composition and effectiveness of many nutrients.
  • use foods that have not been procest too much (if at all)
  • to fully digest vitamins, minerals and proteins; one needs raw foods for: both oxygen and enzymes ( cook food 110F or under to preserve sufficient amounts )
  • Breath right: inhale for 1x, hold for 4x and exhale for 2x (especially see Yoga and QiQong breathing techniques). Breathing next to movement (see: Tai Chi Chuan, especially the old Yang style) allows the lymph system to circulate and release nutrients and toxins

List of Vitamins, Minerals and Hormones

The 13 vitamins:

  • A = a fat-soluble vitamin stored in the body’s fat
  • B = a water-soluble vitamin
    • B1 = thiamine ( RDAA 50 milligrams ) take with pyridoxine ( 50 milligrams )
    • An improvement in thiamine status is associated with reports of being more clearheaded, composed and energetic plus faster memory reaction times.
    • B2 = riboflavin
    • niacin
    • B6 = RDAA 50 milligrams
    • pantothenic acid ( good source: royal jelly ) RDAA 50 milligrams
    • vitamin B-12 = RDAA 10 – 30 micrograms ( RDA 6 micrograms ) can be used as a drug ( best: injected into the muscle ) around 400 micrograms
    • biotin
    • folic acid (also: folate)
    • inositol = RDAA 2 grams or less, as our kidney makes about 4 grams of it every day
  • C = a water-soluble antioxidant vitamin 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams in two or three doses during the day.
    • To much (more than 2,500 milligrams) may cause diarrhea.
    • Higher levels of vitamin C (with a normal dose of iron) are associated with lower levels of lead in the body.
  • D = a fat-soluble vitamin stored in the body’s fat
  • E = a fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin stored in the body’s fat 200 to 400 IU (in the form of: d-alpha tocopherol)
  • K = a fat-soluble vitamin stored in the body’s fat

Surplus fat-soluble vitamins are stored in body tissue. Because they’re stored, excess fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in your body and become toxic.

Your body needs 15 minerals that help regulate cell function and provide structure for cells.

The 15 minerals:

  • calcium = RDA 1,000 to 1200 milligrams (More protein will decrease the calcium one can retain.) Salt intake increases the amount of calcium needed (use 4 grams or less daily). Also balance it with the magnesium in a one-to-oen ratio.
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium = RDAA 500 milligrams ( 25 % more than RDA )
  • chromium = a trace mineral ( RDA 150 micrograms )
  • copper
  • fluoride
  • iodine
  • iron = RDA 18 milligrams (use 75 milligrams of vitamin C to help absorb iron)
  • manganese
  • molybdenum
  • selenium = ( antioxidant trace mineral ) RDAA 100 to 150 micrograms
  • Zinc (Warning: high doses of zinc are toxic. Avoid going over 100mg of total zinc intake per day.)
    Recommended is: 50 – 95 mg / day. Verify that your copper and manganese intake is somewhat higher if your zinc intake it nearer the 100 mg / day.

    Zinc aids in healing of tissue and assists in preventing scarring. It also is important for the body in resisting infection and inflammation.
  • chloride
  • potassium = RDAA 3,500 milligrams
  • sodium = less than 1,600 milligrams

Other useful things: 

  • Coenzyme Q10 = coQ10 with an RDAA of a 100 to a 150 milligrams; use
  • sublingual lozenges ( instead of tablets; otherwise the liver uses it all )
  • lecithin or choline = mainly phosphotidycholine; a building block for a chemical in your brain called acetylcholine, which transmits messages from one nerve cell to another. ( a memory enhancer ) RDAA 10 grams or less
  • Melatonin = ( a nocturnal hormone ) RDAA 1 to 2 milligrams short before bed ( increase slightly when getting older; to up to 5 grams when 85 )
  • Creatine
    • A supplement (usually in the form of creatine monohydrate) is taken to enhance anaerobic performance.
    • Creatine Monohydrate is a white, odorless crystalline powder, clear and colorless in solution.
    • Creatine Monohydrate has the formula C4H9N3O2-H20. Creatine is the guanidine-derived, phosphorylated compound which maintains cellular ATP homeostasis in the higher animals.
    • Benefits: increase in lean muscle mass, greater leverage and requires the muscles to move less and enables them to lift more weight.
    • Non-Toxic, even in large amounts.
    • Sideeffects: some people report symptoms including headaches, clenched teeth, and the sound of blood rushing in their ears.
    • It takes about two months for the access of creatine to clear out of your system.
    • Always make certain that you are drinking plenty of water. This is especially important to help the kidneys deal with the abundance of nutrients one might have in ones blood.
    • Suggested use:
      • About 1/2 to 2/3 of the suggested amount on the label.
      • Remember there are two phases: the loading and the maintanance phase.
      • The powdered form is preferred over capsules.
      • Reduce caffeine intake while on creatine; while creatine makes your muscles hold water, caffeine will do the opposite.
      • Don’t mix creatine with any juice, as it will neutralize the effect.
      • Mix creatine monohydrate with warm water. The creatine does not have to dissolve to be effective.
Body weightPhase 1 (loading)Phase 2 (maintenance)
days 1-4days 5 and on
5g per day
(2×2.5g per day)
1g per day
7.5g per day
(2×3.75g per day)
2g per day
10g per day
(2x5g per day)
3g per day
  • Acidophilus ( 2 – 3 capsules/tablets daily. Take before afternoon and/or evening meal. )
    Acidophilus is a good bacteria that resides in our intestine. This is a good bacteria because it fights back against bad bacteria that can be harmful to our health.
    Helps treat many bacterial illnesses and assists in acne treatment.
  • Green tea extract pills ( 500 – 900 mg a day )
  • DNA = DeoxyriboNucleic Acid ( no need to supplement, is in food and brewer’s yeast )
  • RNA = RiboNucleic Acid ( no need to supplement, is in food and brewer’s yeast )
  • Bioflavonoids = ( visable as tiny color crystals in fruit and vegetables ) there are more than 4,000 different ones and futher research has to be done to determine which ones are most effective in what combination and dosage.
  • GLA = ( Gamma-Linolenic Acid ) RDAA 15 grams
  • Beta-carotene = an antioxidant one of the more than 600 carotenoids ( you get them from yellow and orange vegetables )
  • lycopene = a carotenoid primarily found in tomatoes
  • lutein = a carotenoid mainly found in vegetables such as spinach and kale
  • d-alpha tocopherol = a vitamin E
  • salt = use 4 grams or less daily
  • Phytochemicals are compounds that occur naturally in foods and may contain important health benefits. Scientists have yet to learn exactly what role phytochemicals play in nutrition, and there’s no RDA established for them.
  • Get 10 % of your calories from fat.
  • protein = (an enzyme from amino acids) RDA 55 to 60 grams (keep in proportional balance: fat (***: daily intake to no more than 10 to 12 percent) and carbohydrates (***: 50 % of daily diet (by:ADA)) protein (***) ) (More protein will decrease the calcium one can retain.)
    • LDL cholesterol = Low-Density Lipoprotein (the “bad” one)
    • HDL cholesterol = High-Density Lipoprotein (the “good” one)
  • L-tryptophan = an amino acids
  • D-carnitine = one should not use this synthetic amino acid
  • L-carnitine = less than 1 gram (don’t use the synthetic D-carnitine)
  • L-leucine = a branched-chain type amino acid
  • L-isoluecine = a branched-chain type amino acid
  • L-valine = a branched-chain type amino acid
  • L-arginine = 1.5 grams or less (if you use it; combine it with an equal amount of L-lysine amino acids)
  • L-lysine = 1.5 to 2.5 grams (if you use it; combine it with an equal amount of L-arginine amino acids) suppresses the growth of the herpes simplex virus
  • glycine
  • tyrosine
  • phenylalanine
  • omega-3 = ( a fatty acid ) RDAA 3 grams or less
  • omega-6 = ( a fatty acid )
  • ephedrine = be carefull with this, use very sparingly
  • soy = provides fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and phytoestrogens
  • fibers: RDAA 25 to 30 grams
    • soluble; like: psyllium (not the best choice for soluble fiber), oat bran
    • insoluble; like: cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
  • psyllium = soluble fiber
  • asprin = RDAA 75 milligrams (natural asprin = white willow tree bark)
  • spirulina = “manna from heaven” a type of blue-green algae containing: protein, iron, B12, beta-carotene, GLA ( Gamma-Linolenic Acid ), etc.
  • bee pollen = use small amounts ( like 50% in comparison to the advised dosage )
  • Propolis = use small amounts ( like 50% in comparison to the advised dosage )
  • Brewer’s yeast = use small amounts ( like 25 to 50 percent of the advised dosage ). Good source of B-complex vitamins ( thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, biotin and folic acid ) and trace minerals like chromium and selenium, plus protein
  • Garlic = RDAA 600 to 1,000 milligrams of dry powder ( a natural antibiotic in very high dosages )
  • Camellia Sinensis: the plant from which both green and black tee come from.

Specific ails: 

  • Acne
    • Herbal supplements to include in the diet to balance the hormones are saw palmetto berry extract for men and chaste tree berry extract for woman. Echinacea can be used to boost the immune system to fight against acne-causing bacteria. Some other herbs that may help include: alfalfa, burdock root, cayenne, chaparral, dandelion root, the herbal combinations AKN and BFC, red clover, and yellow dock root. Green tea extract pills have also shown varied results in some individuals.
    • Suggested dosis for vitamins: 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 400 IU of Vitamin E and 100 mg of Vitamin B Complex.
    • Zinc is one mineral that has shown to benefit acne in a scientific study. The results have been compared to tetracycline. Warning: high doses of zinc are toxic. Avoid going over 100mg of zinc intake per day from food/supplement. You should probably have an intake of at least 50mg/day. It is recommended that you also take a daily multivitamin because increased levels of zinc require more Copper and Manganese. Examine effectiveness after 14 weeks. Some individuals report results in as little as 3 weeks. Your acne may get worse before it gets better during your intake of zinc. Zinc is of course not a cure all – end all for your acne. However, some individuals have reported zinc being 75% effective for acne treatment. Zinc aids in healing of tissue and assists in preventing scarring. It also is important for the body in resisting infection and inflammation.
  • Acidophilus ( 2 – 3 capsules/tablets daily. Take before afternoon and/or evening meal. )
    Acidophilus is a good bacteria that resides in our intestine. This is a good bacteria because it fights back against bad bacteria that can be harmful to our health.
    Helps treat many bacterial illnesses and assists in acne treatment.
  • Green tea extract pills ( 500 – 900 mg a day )
  • DNA = DeoxyriboNucleic Acid ( no need to supplement, is in food and brewer’s yeast )
  • RNA = RiboNucleic Acid ( no need to supplement, is in food and brewer’s yeast )
  • Bioflavonoids = ( visable as tiny color crystals in fruit and vegetables ) there are more than 4,000 different ones and futher research has to be done to determine which ones are most effective in what combination and dosage.
  • GLA = ( Gamma-Linolenic Acid ) RDAA 15 grams
  • Beta-carotene = an antioxidant one of the more than 600 carotenoids ( you get them from yellow and orange vegetables )
  • lycopene = a carotenoid primarily found in tomatoes
  • lutein = a carotenoid mainly found in vegetables such as spinach and kale
  • d-alpha tocopherol = a vitamin E
  • salt = use 4 grams or less daily
  • Phytochemicals are compounds that occur naturally in foods and may contain important health benefits. Scientists have yet to learn exactly what role phytochemicals play in nutrition, and there’s no RDA established for them.
  • Get 10 % of your calories from fat.
  • protein = (an enzyme from amino acids) RDA 55 to 60 grams (keep in proportional balance: fat (***: daily intake to no more than 10 to 12 percent) and carbohydrates (***: 50 % of daily diet (by:ADA)) protein (***) ) (More protein will decrease the calcium one can retain.)
    • LDL cholesterol = Low-Density Lipoprotein (the “bad” one)
    • HDL cholesterol = High-Density Lipoprotein (the “good” one)
  • L-tryptophan = an amino acids
  • D-carnitine = one should not use this synthetic amino acid
  • L-carnitine = less than 1 gram (don’t use the synthetic D-carnitine)
  • L-leucine = a branched-chain type amino acid
  • L-isoluecine = a branched-chain type amino acid
  • L-valine = a branched-chain type amino acid
  • L-arginine = 1.5 grams or less (if you use it; combine it with an equal amount of L-lysine amino acids)
  • L-lysine = 1.5 to 2.5 grams (if you use it; combine it with an equal amount of L-arginine amino acids) suppresses the growth of the herpes simplex virus
  • glycine
  • tyrosine
  • phenylalanine
  • omega-3 = ( a fatty acid ) RDAA 3 grams or less
  • omega-6 = ( a fatty acid )
  • ephedrine = be carefull with this, use very sparingly
  • soy = provides fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and phytoestrogens
  • fibers: RDAA 25 to 30 grams
    • soluble; like: psyllium (not the best choice for soluble fiber), oat bran
    • insoluble; like: cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin
  • psyllium = soluble fiber
  • asprin = RDAA 75 milligrams (natural asprin = white willow tree bark)
  • spirulina = “manna from heaven” a type of blue-green algae containing: protein, iron, B12, beta-carotene, GLA ( Gamma-Linolenic Acid ), etc.
  • bee pollen = use small amounts ( like 50% in comparison to the advised dosage )
  • Propolis = use small amounts ( like 50% in comparison to the advised dosage )
  • Brewer’s yeast = use small amounts ( like 25 to 50 percent of the advised dosage ). Good source of B-complex vitamins ( thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, biotin and folic acid ) and trace minerals like chromium and selenium, plus protein
  • Garlic = RDAA 600 to 1,000 milligrams of dry powder ( a natural antibiotic in very high dosages )
  • Camellia Sinensis: the plant from which both green and black tee come from.

Specific ails: 

  • Acne
    • Herbal supplements to include in the diet to balance the hormones are saw palmetto berry extract for men and chaste tree berry extract for woman. Echinacea can be used to boost the immune system to fight against acne-causing bacteria. Some other herbs that may help include: alfalfa, burdock root, cayenne, chaparral, dandelion root, the herbal combinations AKN and BFC, red clover, and yellow dock root. Green tea extract pills have also shown varied results in some individuals.
    • Suggested dosis for vitamins: 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 400 IU of Vitamin E and 100 mg of Vitamin B Complex.
    • Zinc is one mineral that has shown to benefit acne in a scientific study. The results have been compared to tetracycline. Warning: high doses of zinc are toxic. Avoid going over 100mg of zinc intake per day from food/supplement. You should probably have an intake of at least 50mg/day. It is recommended that you also take a daily multivitamin because increased levels of zinc require more Copper and Manganese. Examine effectiveness after 14 weeks. Some individuals report results in as little as 3 weeks. Your acne may get worse before it gets better during your intake of zinc. Zinc is of course not a cure all – end all for your acne. However, some individuals have reported zinc being 75% effective for acne treatment. Zinc aids in healing of tissue and assists in preventing scarring. It also is important for the body in resisting infection and inflammation.

* List of RDA’s Recommended Dietary Allowances National Research Council/NAS (National Academy Press) * Suggested intake ( of % of Daily Value ) * Diets & Fasting * Fasting = to detoxify and cleaning your body by withholding from food ( though keep drinking ample purified water ). –> His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati Maharaj (Sri Swami Sivananda) Nowadays, many educated people do not observe fasting on this sacred day. This is due to the impact of the dark, vicious, materialistic forces. When the intellect develops a little, people begin to enter into arguments and unnecessary discussions. Intellect is a hindrance on the spiritual path. They who have not developed the heart but who have developed their intellect begin to doubt and question at every step. They are led astray. They want a “why” and a “how” for everything. They want “scientific” explanations for all phenomena. God is beyond proofs and presumptions. One has to approach religion and the scriptures with great faith, reverence and purity of heart. Then only are the secrets of religion revealed unto him like the apple in the palm of one’s hand. Does anybody ask his mother to prove who is his father? Fasting controls passion. It checks the emotions. It controls the senses also. It is a great penance. It purifies the mind and the heart. It destroys a multitude of sins. Fasting controls the tongue in particular which is the deadliest enemy of man. Fasting overhauls the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and urinary systems. It destroys all the impurities of the body and all sorts of poisons. It eliminates uric acid deposits. Just as impure gold is rendered pure by melting it in the crucible again and again, so also this impure mind is rendered purer by repeated fasting. Young and robust Brahmacharis (celibates) should observe fasting whenever passion troubles them. Only then will they have very good meditation, as the mind will be rendered calm. The chief object of fasting is to render the system calm so that one is able to practise meditation rigorously during that period. Withdraw the senses and fix the mind on God. Pray to God to guide you and to throw a flood of light on your spiritual path. Say with feeling: “O God, guide me! Protect me, protect me! I am Thine, I am Thine! Forsake me not!” You will be blessed with purity, light and strength. Follow this Sadhana on the days that you fast, Ekadashi days in particular. Fasting is one of the ten canons of Yoga. However, avoid excessive fasting. It will produce weakness. Use your common sense. If you cannot fast for the full twenty-four hours, at least fast for 10-12 hours and then take some milk and fruit. Gradually increase your fast to 15 hours and then up to 24 hours. Fasting makes a man strong, both spiritually and mentally. In his code, the Manu Smriti, the great Hindu lawgiver, Manu, prescribes fasting for the removal of the five capital sins. Diseases that are pronounced incurable by doctors are cured by fasting. Occasionally, a complete fast is greatly desirable for all to keep up good health, to give adequate rest to the internal organs and maintain celibacy. All diseases have their origin in overeating and verily fasting is the only method to cure this. Complete fasting helps to control sleep. Taking recourse to tea to control sleep is not desirable. You will not gain any spiritual strength if you depend on an external agent. During fasting avoid all company. Live alone. Utilise your time in Sadhana. When breaking a fast do not take a heavy meal or a heavy food that is hard to digest. Milk or some fruit juice is beneficial. Moderation in eating and withdrawal of the senses in Yogic meditation are the obverse and the reverse of the same coin. Moderation consists in taking a little food or water just to keep the body in good working order. In the Gita you will find: “Verily, Yoga is not for him who eats too much, nor who abstains to excess, nor who sleeps too much, nor to the excessively wakeful”. The Yogi withdraws his senses from the particular sense objects. The senses are made to turn into or get involved into the mind. When one is fully established in these two practices, supreme control of the senses is achieved. Once there was a demon, Mura, who oppressed the gods. The gods approached Lord Hari for protection. Hari sent Yoga Maya to kill the demon. Yoga Maya carried out the behests of the Lord successfully. Then the Lord said to Yoga Maya, “Those who observe Ekadashi will be freed from all sins, and you will be called by the name Ekadashi.” King Ambarisha was a great votary of Lord Hari. He practised the Ekadashi Vrata for a year. Ambarisha obtained His Grace. On one occasion he fasted for three consecutive days. He was about to break the fast when Rishi Durvasa appeared as his guest. The king received him with due respect and requested him to take his meals. The Rishi agreed and went to bathe in the river. The king waited patiently for a long time, but the Rishi did not return. Time was running out; if the king did not eat anything before the day ended his Vrata would not bear fruit. And if he ate, he would be showing disregard to the Rishi. As a compromise the king took a little water to serve both the conditions. –> – If you are to toxic (to many fast and processed foods), start with one fasts ones a week for a month or two (drink some light fruit juice the first few times). – If you fast to lose weight, start with one fasts ones a week for a month or two (drink some light fruit juice the first few times). Than switch to a 5 day fast, as this is how long the body needs to start transforming stored body fat. – Remember: hunger isn’t the problem; withdrawel is ! So plan some extra activities; especially during meal/snack times. – After some experience you can go for the ideal fasting schedule: week 1: 1 day, week 3: 2 days, week 5: 1 day, etc. and a 7 day fast every half a year (preferably beginning spring and end summer or beginning Autum). – WARNING: if you use medication with acetaminophen (eg: Tylenol), contact your doctor BEFORE a fast ! This as your liver can not process it as efficient, due to the hard work it is doing during the fast. “A fast is better than a bad meal.” ~ Irish Proverb – A main cause of headaches is the retention of toxins within the central nervous system. The optimal neurotransmitter-functioning mix: thiamin = 1.5 milligrams riboflavin = 1.7 milligrams B6 = 2 milligrams B12 = 6 micrograms folic acid 400 micrograms C = 60 milligrams iron = 18 milligrams magnesium = 400 milligrams selenium = 70 micrograms * Yin is like night – cool, contracting and dark. Yang is day – warm, expanding and light. In the wellknown yin-yang symbol the dark portion is yin while the light is yang. * Ayurveda ( the science of life ): one has two constitutions: – pakruti = the combination of (the three) doshas you’re born with – vikriti = the one that reflects your body’s conditions from day to day Goal: Making the vikriti in balance with your pakruti. Doshas (comprised of the five basic elements): – vata = (ether (=space) and air) – pitta = (fire and water) – kapha = (water and earth) Tastes: Sweet: the taste of foods like milk or dates Sour: foods like citrus fruits or fermented food Salty: foods like anchovies Bitter: foods like rhubarb or coffee Pungent: foods like chili peppers Astringent: the taste of foods like apples or cabbage Qualities (secondary to taste): heavy, oily, hot (temperature wise), light, dry and cold. * Standard Macrobiotic Diet: 5 – 10 percent seaweeds and beans 5 – 10 percent soups And if your conditions permit: small amounts of white-fleshed fish and fruit.

Suggested Companies / Organizations

  • Food Allergy Network (FAN)
  • Standard Macrobiotic Diet: Kushi Institute (Becket, Massachusets) 
    Michio Kushi & Aveline Kushi
  • American School of Ayurvedic Sciences,
    Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Medical Clinic
    2115 112th Avenue NE
    Bellevue, WA 98004
  • Ayurvedic Institute
    11311 Meaul NE, Suite A
    Albuquerque, NM 87112
  • The College of Maharishi Ayur-Veda
    Health Center
    POBox 282
    Fairfield, IA 52556
  • The Maharishi Ayur-Veda Health Center
    679 Gearge Hill Road, POBox 344
    Lancaster, MA 01523
  • Alternative Yellow Pages
    Future Medicine Publishing
    21 1/2 Main Street
    Tiburon, CA 94920
  • Ayush Herbs, Inc.
    2115 112th Avenue
    Bellevue, WA 98004
  • Maharishi Ayur-Ved Products International
    POBox 49667
    Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9667

List of Vitamins, Minerals and Hormones

  • The complete book of alternative nutrition: powerful new ways to use foods, supplements, herbs and special diets to prevent and cure disease.
    R733.C73 (1997) 0-87596-322-6

Suggested Internet Recources / Reading

  • Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
  • One Perfect World ( a spinoff of The Kushi Institute )
    Operator of:
  • The Zone ( by Barry Sears )


  • Degrees
    • B.A.M.S. = Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
    • B.S. = Bachelor in Science
    • D.C. = Doctor of Chiropractic
    • D.O. = Doctor of Osteopathy
    • L.Ac. = Licensed Acupuncturist
    • M.A.Sc. = Master of Ayurvedic Science
    • N.D. = Doctor of Naturopathy
    • O.M.D. = Oriental Medical Doctor
  • IU = International Units
  • natural asprin = white willow tree bark
  • VO(2) = VO2 = the maximum rate at which the body can use oxygen

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