To live, to love, and to leave a legacy.

  • Are your customers satisfied?

    Customer satisfaction research might be a waste of time if you only try to find the areas you want to improve for existing customers: they are still customers! You can probably be more effective in improving the aspects that cause existing customers to go elsewhere – or, even more importantly, not even come to you!

  • Curated Audio Streams

    Why non-music audio via the internet is still not done right. And we even lost the nearest attempt to do it right.

  • Will 3D printing a human become possible?

    I was on the phone. I am in love. I miss her. I wanted to crawl through the wire and be with her. I explained that one day – sooner than we might think – it will be possible. Our body (and even our mental state) is basically just energy. We can already measure a…

  • Research News on Brain-Measured Learning to Save Time

    The following article explains that studying-results can be significantly improved not only by the brain-based methods I am a strong proponent for, but also by actual retention qualifiers. Using Brain Scans to Predict Future Test Performance Will a brain scan reveal how well you’ve studied for a big test? Researchers at Sandia National Laboratory have…

  • Voting in the USA

    I strongly urge all Americans to vote strategically. Don’t vote Republican or Democrat. Polling proves most Americans (and world citizens) do not agree with the actual decisions they actually make. Vote Libertarian.

  • Cookies

    Regarding the new (European) law about cookies on websites I have this to say: while I am pro transparency, I believe that one should not force transparency. In order to deal with the problem of having to opt-in users I suggest you write a good disclaimer and wait until browsers solve the cookie opt-in problem…

  • Attention

    Because attention is so closely connected to our brain’s basic wiring, it can be difficult to recognize our own patterns of giving attention – patterns we’ve been absorbing since birth. Yet different cultures do allocate attention differently. For example: psychologist Richard E. Nisbett concluded (in his underwater scene study) that East Asians focus on relationships…

  • Fashion, an interesting viewpoint…

    The Economist writes: A Man’s Guide to a Woman’s Wardrobe For me it gave me a few things to think about: Fashion is the language of the tribe (some are leaders, some are followers, some are wanna-be’s and some don’t speak the language). “membership” does not cost a fee, but is a way of thinking…

  • The Spiritual Path?

    Just now, I was listening to (yet another) Anthony Robbins movie. The man is good, very good. But for me the problem is always that it is so incredibly difficult to reflect upon myself and to actually practice (in order to get the benefit). But this time he said something that deeply impacted me and…

  • News?

    Why are there so few people that, like me, believe news is highly over rated? I try to shy away from news (with perhaps an exception for factual business news related to my professions) for the reasons that news is so shallow: it changes every day, generally does not give any worthy insights and in…

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