To live, to love, and to leave a legacy.

  • Nederlandse Grondwet – Artikel 3

    In reactie op Mr. Dr. Leo Klinkers schreef ik het volgende. Ik ben het op dit moment (in mijn denken) echter NIET eens met zijn voorstel voor de artikel 3 aanpassing; m.i. zou dat d.m.v. het op natuurlijke wijze naar boven borrelen van de mensen die de door de burgers gewenste impact maken. Dat process…

  • Google Drive SQLite Reference

    As a reference, here are the databases Google uses (as per 20230206), as I could not find this anywhere on the internets. Reason I was diving deeper into this: I have a 4+ million files GDrive (0.6TB) and a resync (data already local) on a new machine took several months to complete while running the…

  • Future Thinking 2021 Spain

    As structure providing institutions like the church, state, work, family and even school lose their power to direct life and society, individuals need to find their own individual purposes in life and imagine, create & direct their own story. This requires different skills! In most richer countries, material needs are commoditized. This means meaning now…

  • Google Tasks API – Overdue Tasks

    Here is a handy little script to move tasks that are overdue to today.

  • Post in Dutch: companies against covid are hypocritic?

    Ik heb moeite met de zin: “Om de veiligheid van alle deelnemers te garanderen, kunnen wij helaas alleen deelnemers zonder COVID-19 gerelateerde gezondheidsklachten toelaten tot de programma’s op locatie.” Ik ervaar dit als zeer onrealistisch, discriminerend en niet logisch. Mensen met andere gezondheidsklachten zijn wel welkom? Mensen met AIDS? TB? Kinkhoest? Griep? Vroegen jullie voor…

  • World Future Society Acceptance Letter

    Written on 05-05-2000 by Sir PK. The World Future Society is an association for the study of alternative futures and publisher of The Futurist – a journal of forecasts, trends and ideas about the future. IntroductionIn this acceptance letter for Coordinator for the World Future Society in The Netherlands I would like to introduce myself…

  • Remote controlling a computer via robotics.

    How to control a device with a screen and one or more input devices (like a keyboard and mouse) remotely? There are solutions that connect the device directly (Remote Desktop software like VNC), but it could also be done physically. This might be of interest to spy agencies like the CIA or FBI – but…

  • Abe

    Blessed are those who join their loved ones. Blessed are those who live on in our memory. Let us share our tears and pain, Let us remember, let us live, Let us celebrate his life, his passion.

  • Male or female? How many categories for “people” will we need?

    Gender is not a fact about persons that we must take as fixed and essential (and then build our social institutions around that fact). Gender, for humans, is socially constructed; an externally imposed hierarchy: male or female. The human personality is a spectrum – and allows us to more or less conform to the gender…

  • How the FBI could Unlock the Apple iPhone without the Encryption Key

    Here’s my recipe for unlocking the iPhone 5c used by the San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook: the phone is already owned by and in possession of the government there are only 10.000 possible combinations to try (the PIN is a 4 digit number) it will take about 7 months to try all combinations (due to the programmed…

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