To live, to love, and to leave a legacy.

  • News?

    Why are there so few people that, like me, believe news is highly over rated? I try to shy away from news (with perhaps an exception for factual business news related to my professions) for the reasons that news is so shallow: it changes every day, generally does not give any worthy insights and in…

  • Mantra 33 Consolidation

    As you might already know, every year near my birthday I post the proclamation for myself for the coming year. When I was an old teenager I was spending serious time connecting to my mystic roots through meditation. When I was 18 I predicted my 31ste year would be my year of Money – I…

  • Google Circles

    While I personally really like the concept – and it is more usefull if all my communicationpartners are using it (remember the faith of Google Wave) – it has, as can be expected from Google, a highly technical cool-factor with an awesome potential; but I do feel there is a human factor called discipline that…

  • Possible PhD research subject in the Education area.

    Together with my Vision for Education and my life experience I hope to some day start working on my PhD dissertation & defense. Several years ago I have formulated my goal for this possible area of research. Here the extract: Aspects of Future Didactical Systems in Higher Vocational Education – a Roadmap for Change With…

  • Dealing with the Differences in Production

    For my notes on the 20110319 Libertarian Party supported discussion meeting the following important question the libertarian movement should have a (preferably theoretically proven) answer for: What to do with those people who (can only) produce less than they need to exist? Or in Dutch (for my archive): wat te doen met die mensen die…

  • Building a Dutch Libertarian Foundation

    Mission To find financial support for my Washington, DC trip to collect & translate libertarian lessons learned and best practices for the Dutch market. Introduction Hello, I’m Pallieter Koopmans. Since 1996 I have been of the firm belief that the way in which we organize and “do” politics as a society can be greatly improved…

  • Ingredients for My Vision for Education

    I have since I was 16 been very interested in assisting the transformation of the education system. My fundamental beliefs for this need are: Education should be brain-based – differentiated based on learning style. Education is life-long and should address all aspects of living (balance between: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual). Information is omnipresent and should…

  • Time for internet-tech to get political.

    The (political) power went from local to central. Now we get the post-bureaucratic age = local people empowered by global data & technology.

  • What is the libertarian answer to non-rational actions?

    If something where to be of “general interest”, everyone would comply voluntarily, but that is in many situations not the case; it has to be enforced by “higher authority”. Since I have learnt there is a difference between “general consensus” and “general interest”, I was stimulated to think about the question if there is (in…

  • Henry Grady Weaver

    Most of the major ills of the world have been caused by well-meaning people who ignored the principle of individual freedom, except as applied to themselves, and who were obsessed with fanatical zeal to improve the lot of mankind-in-the-mass through some pet formula of their own. ~ Henry Grady Weaver, The Mainspring of Human Progress…

Got any book recommendations?